Explaining to children to spring back and to rebound.
Resilience is on a continuum, reassure children that they'll have set back days but they can still work toward their goals.
Risk factors related to lessened resilience:
Life challenges
Developmental challenges
Their underlying temperament
Protective factors:
Stable lifelong attachment
Health factors including sleep
Support networks
Positive thinking
Positive attention-mindfulness
Social and emotional skills
Attachment tools for children:
Understanding feelings. Using a secret signal for the child to use when they are getting close to a 7 they then take the self for timeout.
Emotional self regulation
Self soothing ability
Empathy skills: Explicit teaching of what emotions look like on faces, in body language and in the sound of their voice.
Circle of support. Teaching them who they can go to when they need help and support. Explaining that everyone needs support at some time.
Learning Tools:
Problem solving skillls/coping skills
Gradual step plans to achieve goals
Identification of positive role models
Peer support
Benefits of giving to others
Interpersonal rewards
Body Tools:
Becoming friends with your body
Deep breathing exercises
Relaxation activities
Mindfulness. Two minute mindfulness, breath deeply hold it exhale, note three things you can see, three things you can hear and three things you can feel, repeat. Do this several times a day.
Health factors
Having fun and enjoying life.
Mind tools:
Awareness of self-talk
Choosing helpful self talk and thinking
Changing unhelpful thinking to helpful thinking
Expecting good things to happen
Understanding of Feelings-Thoughts-Beahviour interactions
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