Sunday, 23 July 2017

How to start a professional Blog , ConnectEd 2017

Listening to Allanah today teach about how to blog and why you would blog prompted me to start a blog, write this post and start to look at and unpack the Standards for The Teaching Profession.
We were presented with information on what a blog looks like, how to create it, where to find the necessary resources, and how to utilise it effectively to assess ourselves against the STP's. An excellent starting point for my work toward renewing my registration next June.

So What:
I can now begin with some starting level of confidence to use a digital and easily accessible platform to document my professional learning, reflect on my teaching and continue to strive for excellence in my career. This has moved me on from a frozen place of fear about re registering to a place where I can start to make a practical contribution to achieving this on a week by week basis.

Now What:
Question and connect with my colleagues to continue to grow and learn.

Mindfulness PD

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